Disable optimizing numpy arrays over the wire. |
Enable logger output to given stream. |
Enable optimizing numpy arrays over the wire. |
Determine if serialization of numpy arrays is enabled. |
Launch an instance of Ansys Prime Server and get a client for it. |
Launch a server process for Ansys Prime Server. |
Get local model :rtype: |
Context helper to execute code with numpy optimization disabled. |
Context helper to execute code with numpy optimization enabled. |
Results associated with the add label operation. |
Parameters to add thickness for a given plane. |
Result structure associated with add thickness zonelets. |
Results associated with the add to zone operation. |
Define advanced settings for remeshing operation. |
Generates volume mesh. |
Parameters for volume meshing. |
Results of volume meshing. |
Parameters used to improve volume mesh by auto node move. |
Generate full quad mesh. |
Results of auto quad mesher. |
Used to define boundary conditions for match morphing. |
Option to specify boundary condition pair type. |
Indicate options to identify morphable region in input volumetric mesh. |
BOI type for BOI creation. |
Size field computed using body of influence size control enables you to specify a body of influence(that is, a region for sizing control). |
BoundaryFittedSpline helps you to create splines for structured hex-mesh model. |
Boundary fitted spline fitting parameters. |
Provides information about the definition of a bounding box. |
Types of CAD faceter. |
CAD Reader routes. |
Types of maximum edge size limit for CAD faceting. |
Parameters to refacet CAD during import. |
Levels of CAD faceting refinement. |
Provides the MAPDL CDB analysis type. |
Simulation Type for CDB export. |
The type of cell quality measures to check cell quality metrics. |
Parameters used to calculate cell statistics. |
Results of cell statistics information. |
Types of cell zonelet. |
Parameters used for check face deviation operations. |
Result structure associated with the check face deviation operations. |
Parameters used to check mesh. |
Result associated with the check mesh operation. |
Parameters for check topology operations. |
Provides the |
Parameters to collapse face elements. |
Results associated with collapse face elements. |
Performs various collapse operations. |
Results associated with compute topovolumes. |
Parameters to compute volumes. |
Results associated with compute volumes. |
Connect face zonelets. |
Parameters for connect faces operation. |
Results associated with the connection operations. |
Parameters to control element type choices for contact surfaces in TIEs and CONTACT PAIRs. |
Flow or wake direction for BOI creation. |
ContactPreventionParams defines contact prevention control parameters for wrapper. |
Contains all controls. |
Control point selection type. |
Parameters to copy zonelets. |
Result structure associated with copying zonelets. |
Parameters used for BOI surface creation in the given axis. |
Result structure associated with BOI creation of zonelets. |
Parameters to create cap on face zonelets. |
Results associated with create cap on face zonelets. |
Parameters used for contact patch creation in the given axis. |
Result structure associated with created contact patch zonelets. |
Parameters used to calculate edge loops created by intersection of two groups of face zonelets. |
Results for the edge loops created by intersection of two groups of face zonelets. |
Defines parameters to create material point. |
Results structure associated with create material point operation. |
Results associated with the ShellBL mesh. |
Indicate type to create volume zones for volumes. |
Results associated with the create zone. |
Size field using curvature size control computes edge and face sizes using their size and normal angle parameters. |
DeadRegion defines a dead region for patch flow regions operation. |
Parameters for defeature topology operations. |
Parameters to delete fringes and overlapping faces. |
Results associated with the delete fringes and overlapping faces operation. |
Parameters for delete interior nodes operation. |
Results associated with delete material point operation. |
Parameters to delete mesh on topoentities. |
Results structure associated with delete mesh on topofaces. |
Results associated with the deletion of items. |
Performs various delete operation. |
Parameters to control delete topoentities. |
Results associated with delete topoentities. |
DeleteUnwettedParams defines parameters for delete unwetted surfaces operation. |
Results structure associated with delete unwetted surfaces operation. |
Parameters to delete volumes. |
Results associated with delete volumes operation. |
Results associated with the delete zone. |
Parameters for detect and treat circular faces operation. |
Parameters for detect and treat features operations. |
Parameters for detect and treat holes operation. |
Parameters for detect circular holes operation. |
Parameters for detect holes operation. |
Parameters for detect non circular holes operation. |
Edge connect type to define the type of connection between edges . |
Result of the edge connectivity information. |
Specifies type of edge pairs to be merged during scaffold operation. |
Error codes associated with the failure of PyPrimeMesh operation. |
Parameters for exporting boundary fitted splines. |
Parameters to export fluent case file. |
Parameters used to export fluent meshing mesh. |
Parameters for exporting LS-DYNA IGA keyword file. |
Parameters to control LS-DYNA keyword file export settings. |
Results associated with the LS-DYNA export. |
Parameters to control MAPDL CDB export settings. |
Results associated with the MAPDL CDB export. |
Parameters to export STL file. |
Parameter to control feature edge extraction. |
Result of edge zonelet extraction by angle. |
Parameters to extract flow topovolumes. |
Parameters to extract flow topovolumes. |
Parameters to extract flow volumes. |
Results associated with compute volumes. |
Contains ids of the features extracted. |
Parameters to get face and edge connectivity information. |
Result of the face and edge connectivity information. |
Result of the face connectivity information. |
The type of face quality measures to check face quality metrics. |
Provide functions for all feature extraction operations like extracting edges zonlelets, tracing node paths. |
FeatureRecoveryParams defines feature recovery control parameters for wrapper. |
Handles reading or writing files from the disk. |
Parameters to read file. |
Results of file read operation. |
Parameters to write a file. |
Results of file write operation. |
Parameters to fill holes at given plane. |
Results associated with fill holes at given plane. |
Parameters to fix invalid average face normal at nodes by creating a nugget. |
Results associated with fix invalid average face normal at nodes. |
Flow or wake direction for BOI creation. |
Type to specify treatment of surfaces for fusing. |
Parameters for fuse operation. |
Results associated with the fuse operations. |
Global sizing parameters. |
Size field computed using hard size control enables you to maintain a uniform size based on the size specified. |
Cell element type of hex-shaped cells. |
Parameters to control hexahedral mesh generation. |
Handle size transition of hex cells. |
Results of IGA operations. |
Information of the spline. |
Information of unstructured spline surface. |
Parameters for importing Abaqus solver input files. |
Results of Abaqus import operation. |
Parameters to control CAD import settings. |
Results associated with the CAD import. |
Parameters to import fluent case file. |
Results associated with fluent case import. |
Parameters used to import fluent meshing mesh. |
Results associated with fluent meshing mesh import. |
Parameters to control MAPDL CDB import settings. |
Results associated with the MAPDL CDB import. |
Parameters used for intersection. |
Scaffold parameters use intersection mask to define nature of intersection computation. |
Parameters used for join. |
Join separation method to handle separated overlapped zonelets. |
Provides the LS-DYNA analysis type. |
Provides the format type to write the LS-DYNA file. |
LeakPreventionParams defines leakage prevention control parameters for wrapper. |
Length units |
Parameters to perform local surface remeshing. |
Results associated with the local surface mesh. |
MatchMorphParams describes the parameters required for match morphing. |
Results associated with match morph operation. |
Match pair to specify sources, targets for match morphing. |
Match morph target type. |
Provide functions for material point creation, deletion and queries. |
Defines define type of material point. |
Parameters used for the merge boundary nodes operation. |
Results associated with the merge nodes operation. |
Type of nodes to be merged. |
Parameters to merge parts. |
Parameters to merge parts. |
Parameters to merge volumes. |
Results associated with merge volumes operation. |
Parameters to merge zonelets. |
Results associated with merge zonelets. |
MeshInfo provides information about the mesh connectivity and more. |
Input parameters associated with the mesh stacker operations. |
Results associated with the mesh stacker operations. |
Size field computed using meshed size control enables you to set the size based on existing sizes. |
Model is the nucleus of Prime. |
MorphBCParams contains the input parameters for calculating the boundary conditions for a morphing problem. |
Morpher solve parameters. |
Morpher contain functionalities to change the geometry, adapting the mesh accordingly without a recomputation. |
MultiZoneControl provides a way to gather all the information required for MultiZone meshing. |
Defines MultiZone edge biasing control parameters. |
Define controlling parameters for the map mesh using MultiZone. |
Parameters for MultiZone meshing. |
Defines MultiZone thin sweep mesh control parameters. |
Parameters to be used to match name pattern with names. |
Parameters for optimize quad mesh operations. |
Provides ids of a pair of overlapping face zonelets. |
Provides ids of a pair of overlapping face zonelets. |
Part contains zonelets and topoentities. |
Part Creation Type decides whether to create a part per CAD Model, Assembly, Part, Body. |
Parameters to control part summary results. |
Results of part summary. |
A structure containing some or all face zonelet ids available in a part. |
Parameters for partial defeature operation. |
Periodic controls provide settings for the recovery of periodic surfaces. |
PeriodicControlParams contains the parameters for periodic surface recovery. |
Parameters used to get size control summary. |
Results of Periodic control summary. |
PrismControl allows you to generate prisms. |
Growth parameters for prism control. |
Offset type for prism control. |
Parameters to control prism mesh generation. |
Parameters to control prism stairsteping. |
Parameters used to project topoface nodes on associated geometry. |
Results associated with projection of topofaces nodes on its geometry. |
Size field using proximity size control computes edge and face sizes in gaps using the specified minimum number of element layers. |
Converts all-quad mesh to spline. |
Parameters to control conversion of quadrilateral mesh to spline. |
Parameters used to read size field file. |
Parameters to refine face elements in contact. |
Results structure associated with refine face elements in contact. |
Spline refinement parameters. |
Results associated with the remove label operation. |
Results associated with the remove zone operation. |
Parameters for repair edges operation. |
Parameters for repair topology operations. |
Result structure associated with resolve intersections operation. |
ResolveIntersectionsParams define parameters for resolve intersections. |
Parameters for setting periodic size fields. |
Scaffolder is used for achieving connections in structures made of sheets and beams. |
Result structure associated with merge overlapping topofaces and delete shadowed topofaces operations. |
Parameters to control scaffold operation. |
Results structure associated to scaffold operation. |
Result structure associated to split topofaces operation. |
ScopeDefinition to scope entities based on entity and evaluation type. |
ScopeDefinition uses entity type to scope entities. |
ScopeDefinition uses evaluation type to evaluate the scope. |
ScopeExpressionType uses expression type to evaluate the scope. |
Parameters used to get the scoped face or edge zonelets. |
Parameters to control fold detection. |
Results structure associated with search folds operation. |
Results associated with search by face element intersection (face elements interfering with each other). |
Results structure associated with search invalid normals operation. |
Parameters to control search by quality results. |
Results of search by quality. |
Parameters to search by face element intersection. |
Parameters to control spike detection. |
Results structure associated with search spikes operation. |
Parameters to search by thin strip of face elements. |
Results associated with search by thin strip of face elements. |
Parameters to retrieve information on registered faces. |
Result structure containing information on registered face elements. |
Results associated with set contact preventions. |
Results associated with set feature recoveries. |
Results associated with set leak preventions. |
Results associated with the set name. |
Results associated with the set parameters operation. |
Results associated with the set scope operation. |
Result associated with the different set sizing parameters. |
ShellBLControl allows you to generate quad mesh on face zonelets. |
Growth parameters for ShellBL control. |
Type of offset method during ShellBL generation. |
Parameters used to generate ShellBL. |
Size control is used to compute the size field. |
Parameters used to get size control summary. |
Results of size control summary. |
The size field is computed based on the size control defined. |
Results of size field file read operation. |
The type of sizing field to be used to fetch element size at given location. |
Sizing type decides the type of size control. |
Parameters to smooth dihedral face nodes. |
Results structure associated with smooth dihedral face nodes. |
Indicates the the type of operation to be performed during the smooth dihedral face nodes operation. |
Size field computed using soft size control enables you to set the maximum size on the scoped zonelets . |
Type of solver. |
Options to capture features in spline. |
Type of spline refinement. |
Parameters to split face elements at longest edge. |
Parameters used for stitch operation. |
Stitch type depending on nature of surface boundary edges to be stitched. |
Parameters used for stretch free boundaries operation. |
Results associated with stretch free boundaries operation. |
Parameters to control the volume subtract operation. |
Results of the volume subtract operation. |
Parameters to use when subtracting zonelets. |
Results structure associated with subtracting zonelets. |
Parameters to control surface diagnostics summary results. |
Results of surface diagnostic summary. |
Type of face edges considered as features. |
Settings related to scaling of surface mesh size for hexcore refinement. |
Result of surface quality. |
Parameters to control surface quality summary results. |
Results of surface quality summary. |
SurfaceSearch allows you to check surface mesh quality. |
Performs various general surface utilities algorithms. |
Generates surface mesh. |
Parameters used to generate surface mesh. |
Results associated with the surface mesh. |
Provides the Sweep Mesh Decomposition type. |
Parameters to control tetrahedral mesh generation. |
The type to identify strip of face elements as thin strips using shape formed by features around the strip of face elements. |
ThinVolumeControl allows you to generate prisms in the space between surfaces. |
Parameters to generate thin volume mesh. |
Topodata has all information about connectivity of nodes, edges, elements and more. |
Parameters used to fill holes in topology. |
Results associated with fill holes in topology operations. |
Toposearch diagnostic field. |
Performs various general topology utility algorithms. |
Provides functionalities to initialize and manage transformation using transformation matrix. |
Parameters to transform given entities. |
Results associated with the transformation. |
Provides the parameters used for triangulation operation. |
Results associated with triangulate operation. |
VTComposer is used for fix topology corrections like separate, pinch. |
Parameters to control VTComposer operations. |
Result struct associated to VTComposer operations. |
Defines the scope and type of volume mesh to generate. |
Volume control parameters are used to define the volume type in the volume control. |
Types of volume fill options. |
VolumeMeshTool allows you to check grid and improve volume mesh quality. |
Result associated with the volume mesh tool operation. |
Indicate source types used to name volume zones. |
Result of volume quality of part. |
Parameters to control volume quality summary results. |
Results of volume quality summary. |
VolumeSearch allows you to check volume mesh quality. |
VolumeSweeper class provide functions to volume mesh a given set of topovolumes by sweeping or stacking a set of face and edge zonelets. |
Parameters to control delete shadowed topofaces operation. |
Parameters associated with the compute volumetric size field operation. |
Results associated with the compute volumetric size field operation. |
Warning codes associated with the PyPrimeMesh operation. |
WrapParams defines parameters for wrapping. |
Indicates source type to extract wrapper region. |
Result structure associated to Wrap operation. |
Provides operations for generating a surface mesh using wrapper technology. |
WrapperCloseGapsParams to define parameters for close gaps operation. |
Result structure associated with close gaps operation. |
Wrapper Control to describe all parameters and controls used for wrapping.. |
WrapperImproveQualityParams defines parameters to improve wrapper part. |
Results structure associated to improve quality. |
WrapperPatchFlowRegionsParams to define parameters for patch flow regions operation. |
Result structure associated with patch holes operation. |
Parameters used to write size field file. |
ZoneType decides the type of zone. |
Provides runtime errors for PyPrimeMesh. |
Provides the runtime warning for PyPrimeMesh. |