
class ansys.meshing.prime.VolumeSweeper(model)#

VolumeSweeper class provide functions to volume mesh a given set of topovolumes by sweeping or stacking a set of face and edge zonelets. Provide operations to generate volume mesh using stacker technology.


Server model to create VolumeSweeper object.


Id of the part.


VolumeSweeper.create_base_face(part_id, ...)

Create a face at the specified origin.

VolumeSweeper.stack_base_face(part_id, ...)

Generate volume mesh by stacking a meshed face.

Examples using VolumeSweeper#

Mesh a PCB for structural thermal analysis

Mesh a PCB for structural thermal analysis

Mesh a generic PCB geometry with multiple hexa layers

Mesh a generic PCB geometry with multiple hexa layers

Mesh a set of solder balls (beta)

Mesh a set of solder balls (beta)