
class, partial_defeature=None, delete_interior_nodes=None, allow_curved_topo_faces=None, fillet_spanning_angle=None, aggressive_edge_merge=None, thin_stripes_tolerance=None, partial_defeature_params=None, delete_interior_nodes_params=None, json_data=None, **kwargs)#

Parameters for defeature topology operations.

model: Model

Model to create a DefeatureTopologyParams object with default parameters.

partial_defeature: bool, optional

Option to partial defeature.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

delete_interior_nodes: bool, optional

Option to delete interior nodes.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

allow_curved_topo_faces: bool, optional

Option to allow curved topofaces.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

fillet_spanning_angle: float, optional

Angular threshold for detecting fillets with spanning angles below the provided value.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

aggressive_edge_merge: bool, optional

Indicate whether to allow aggressive edge merge while performing partial defeature.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

thin_stripes_tolerance: float, optional

Topoface width tolerance to detect thin faces below the provided value.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

partial_defeature_params: PartialDefeatureParams, optional

Parameters for partial defeature operation.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

delete_interior_nodes_params: DeleteInteriorNodesParams, optional

Parameters for delete interior nodes operation.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

json_data: dict, optional

JSON dictionary to create a DefeatureTopologyParams object with provided parameters.


>>> defeature_topology_params = prime.DefeatureTopologyParams(model = model)



Print the default values of DefeatureTopologyParams object.


Set the default values of the DefeatureTopologyParams object.



Indicate whether to allow aggressive edge merge while performing partial defeature.


Option to allow curved topofaces.


Option to delete interior nodes.


Parameters for delete interior nodes operation.


Angular threshold for detecting fillets with spanning angles below the provided value.


Option to partial defeature.


Parameters for partial defeature operation.


Topoface width tolerance to detect thin faces below the provided value.