
class, min=None, max=None, growth_rate=None, normal_angle=None, use_cad_curvature=None, json_data=None, **kwargs)#

Size field using curvature size control computes edge and face sizes using their size and normal angle parameters.

The curvature size control uses the normal angle parameter as the maximum allowable angle that one element edge may span. For example, a value of 5 implies that a division will be made when the angle change along the curve is 5 degrees. Hence, a 90 degree arc will be divided into approximately 18 segments.

model: Model

Model to create a CurvatureSizingParams object with default parameters.

min: float, optional

Minimum size used for computing edge and face size using curavture size control.

max: float, optional

Maximum size used for computing edge and face size using curavture size control.

growth_rate: float, optional

Growth rate used for transitioning from one element size to neighbor element size.

normal_angle: float, optional

Maximum allowable angle at which one element edge may span.

use_cad_curvature: bool, optional

Option to enable use of CAD curvature for computing edge and face size.

json_data: dict, optional

JSON dictionary to create a CurvatureSizingParams object with provided parameters.


>>> curvature_sizing_params = prime.CurvatureSizingParams(model = model)



Print the default values of CurvatureSizingParams object.

CurvatureSizingParams.set_default([min, ...])

Set the default values of the CurvatureSizingParams object.



Growth rate used for transitioning from one element size to neighbor element size.


Maximum size used for computing edge and face size using curavture size control.


Minimum size used for computing edge and face size using curavture size control.


Maximum allowable angle at which one element edge may span.


Option to enable use of CAD curvature for computing edge and face size.

Examples using CurvatureSizingParams#

Mesh a generic F1 car rear wing for external aero simulation

Mesh a generic F1 car rear wing for external aero simulation