- class
Error codes associated with the failure of PyPrimeMesh operation.
Returns self, the complex conjugate of any int.
Number of bits necessary to represent self in binary.
Number of ones in the binary representation of the absolute value of self.
(/, length, byteorder, *)Return an array of bytes representing an integer.
(/, bytes, byteorder, *)Return the integer represented by the given array of bytes.
Return integer ratio.
the real part of a complex number
the imaginary part of a complex number
the numerator of a rational number in lowest terms
the denominator of a rational number in lowest terms
No error.
Unknown error.
Segmentation violation.
Surface meshing failed.
Failed to remesh topofaces.
Failed to remesh topoedges.
Failed to layer quad meshing.
Invalid input for surface meshing.
Quad surface meshing failed.
Face zonelets features are not up to date.
Auto sizing for quad meshing is not supported.
Auto sizing must be of volumetric type.
Non manifold edge for meshing.
Open initial front loop for meshing.
Cannot remesh freezed mesh.
Remesh face zonelets is not supported for topology part.
Remesh face zonelets locally is not supported for topology part.
Invalid size for constant size surface meshing.
Invalid min or max size for surface meshing.
Invalid Corner angle or min angle more than max angle specified for surface meshing.
Smooth size transition option is not supported for topology surface meshing yet.
Invalid number of rings input for the local surface mesh operation.
Cannot remesh periodic face zonelets.
Failed to subtract volumes.
Found overlapping or intersecting target volumes.
Found overlapping or intersecting cutter volumes.
Incorrect input.
Incorrect input.
Incorrect input parameters.
Invalid absolute distance tolerance for scaffold operation.
Invalid constant mesh size input for scaffold operation.
ShellBL creation failed.
ShellBL quads.
ShellBL is not supported for unmeshed topofaces.
Only few ShellBL layers are created.
Found topofaces with invalid topology.
Post refinement of ShellBl quads failed.
ShellBL quads split to triangles failed.
Invalid ShellBL controls.
Invalid scope entity.
Periodic surfaces selected for ShellBL generation are not supported.
Auto meshing failed.
Topology identification failed because of overlapping faces.
Triangulation failed.
Duplicate nodes found.
Edge intersecting face found.
Duplicate faces found.
Tet improve failed.
Auto node move failed.
Volume is already meshed.
Invalid prism controls.
Volumes are not updated.
Quadratic elements can only be generated for tetrahedral elements.
No active size fields found.
Invalid max size for auto volume meshing.
Hex generation part of volume meshing failed.
Invalid volume controls specified for volume meshing.
Source face zonelets facing existing volume mesh.
Target face zonelets with volume mesh on both side.
Side face zonelets are not sweepable for thin volume mesh.
Source and target zonelets do not fit to thin volume mesh.
Invalid scope entity.
Invalid first aspect ratio.
Invalid last aspect ratio.
Invalid first height.
Invalid number of layers.
Invalid growth rate.
Compute volumes failed.
Quadratic tetrahedal meshing is not supported in parallel mode.
Quadratic tetrahedral meshing is not supported with prism.
Extract volumes failed.
Merge volumes failed.
Delete volumes failed.
Periodic surfaces selected for prism generation are not supported.
Invalid neighbor volumes selected to merge volumes.
Thin volume meshing failed.
Prism meshing failed.
Auto mesh initialization failed.
Poly meshing failed.
Pyramid meshing failed.
Deleting mesh failed.
Incremental volume meshing is not supported.
Out of memory.
Method call interrupted.
Failed to get mesh statistics.
Failed to get element count.
Given part not found.
TopoData not found.
Size field not found.
Zones are not of same type.
Part is not meshed.
Invalid input part.
No CAD Geometry found for projections.
Volumes not found.
Given zone not found.
Entities should be added to zone using part it belongs.
Part does not have topology.
Zones are not supported for cell zonelets.
Sphere creation at invalid normals failed.
Projection on CAD Geometry failed.
Separation failed.
Zonelets are not of same dimension.
Adding thickness failed.
BOI creation failed.
BOI creation failed.
BOI creation failed.
BOI creation failed.
BOI creation failed.
BOI creation failed.
BOI creation failed.
Contact patch creation process failed.
Contact patch creation process failed.
Contact patch creation process failed.
Contact patch creation process failed.
Size field computation failed.
Invalid size controls.
Refreshing size field failed.
Reading mesh file failed.
Writing mesh file failed.
CAD import failed.
Reading size field file failed.
Reading CDB file failed.
Writing CDB file failed.
Invalid path.
Reading LS-Dyna Keyword file failed.
Writing LS-Dyna Keyword file failed.
Writing failed with quadratic mesh.
Include keyword file not found.
Reading size control file failed.
Writing size control file failed.
File path or name not found.
PMDAT file read failed.
Export fluent case failed.
Volume zones are not found to export fluent case.
Failed to import fluent meshing mesh file.
Failed to import fluent case file.
Failed to write PMDAT file.
Export fluent meshing mesh failed.
Writing size field failed.
Mesh not found to export fluent meshing mesh.
Export STL failed.
Export STL not supported for part with topology data.
Export STL not supported for mesh with quad faces.
Export STL not supported for mesh with poly faces.
Export STL not supported for higher order mesh.
Export STL failed.
Export STL failed.
Write ShellBL control failed.
Read thin ShellBL control failed.
Invalid option chosen to connect two different parts.
Colocation of fused nodes failed.
Imprint of boundary nodes failed.
Imprint of boundary edges failed.
Splitting of intersecting boundary edges failed.
Fusing interior region of overlap failed.
Invalid tolerance value specified.
No target or source faces specified.
Stitch with preserved entities failed.
Stitch entities failed.
Not supported for part with topology data.
Operation does not support higher order elements.
Only triangular face zone is supported.
Operation supports only quads.
Adding provided entities is not supported for part with topology data.
Merge zonelets is not supported for part with topology data.
Merge volumes is not supported for part with topology data.
Operation does not support poly elements.
Merge parts failed.
Merge parts with topology and parts without topology are not supported.
Set name failed.
Control not found.
No input provided.
Delete parts failed.
Delete controls failed.
Input provided is incomplete.
Invalid input zonelets.
Merge zonelets failed.
Merge small zonelets option is supported for only face zonelets.
List of volume ids provided is empty or incorrect.
Failed to compute boundary conditions.
Invalid source input for match morphing.
Entity type does not match with input for defined boundary condition pair.
Invalid global min and max value.
Invalid size control input.
Invalid size control scope.
Invalid curvature sizing input.
Invalid proximity sizing input.
Invalid input scope entity type.
Feature extraction by angle failed.
Extracting features by angle failed.
Creating edge zonelet failed.
Feature extraction by intersection failed.
Mid side nodes are not supported.
Volume mesh not found.
Faield to split and collapse face element(s).
Spline operation failed.
Incorrect control point size with respect to degree.
Incorrect control point size with respect to mesh size.
Spline fitting failed.
Spline has negative jacobian.
Periodic knot conversion of spline failed.
H-refinement of spline failed.
P-refinement of spline failed.
Smoothing of spline failed.
Hex mesh is unstructured.
No cell zonelets found.
Invalid model for structured hex-mesh spline fitting.
Invalid model for genus-zero spline fitting.
No face zonelets found.
Edge path computation failed.
Incorrect degree.
Quadratic mesh is not supported for solid spline creation.
Uniform trimmed spline creation failed.
Quad to spline operation failed.
Creating MultiZone blocking failed.
Generating MultiZone mesh failed.
MultiZone mesh transfer failed.
Input does not have topology for MultiZone mesh.
MultiZone mesh does not support multiple controls.
No volumes for geometry import.
No volumes for geometry import in the current part.
Part has a topology.
Surface search failed.
Part with mesh not found for surface quality check.
Invalid plane points, cannot define a plane.
Collinear or duplicate points given to define plane.
Invalid register id provided.
Surface search for provided feature type is not supported.
Part with mesh not found for volume quality check.
Volume search failed.
Invalid cell quality limit.
Unable to create capping surface.
Unable to subtract cutters from input zonelets.
Failed to create cap on face zonelets.
Failed to union input zonelets.
Failed to refine at contacts.
Unable to recover periodic surfaces.
Invalid scope input for periodic surface recovery.
Could not find a matching periodic face pair.
Edge entities do not match on periodic source and target surfaces.
Periodic recovery unsupported for already volume meshed part.
Transformation failed.
Scaling failed.
Alignment failed.
Invalid transformation matrix.
Delete Mesh faces failed
Topoentities do not support deleting faces.
Deleting faces failed as they have cell neighbors.
Deleting fringes and overlaps failed.
Cannot delete zonelets connected to volume mesh.
Delete zonelets failed.
Material point with the same name already exists.
Material point with the given name does not exist.
Material point with the given ID already exists.
Limit reached for the number of octants supported.
Global settings for wrapper not set.
Resolving intersections failed for wrapper.
Wrapper connect failed.
Failed to extract wrapper interface.
Wrapper leak prevention failed.
Wrap region option provided does not support wrap operation.
Live material points list provided for wrapper control is empty.
Wrapper surface has holes.
Octree regioning failed.
Projection failed for wrapper.
Live material point added to wrapper control doesn't exist.
Live material point does not exist for wrapper.
Sizing method is not supported for wrapper.
Wrapper improve quality failed.
No size field ids provided for wrapping.
Geometry scope specified under wrapper control is invalid.
Contact prevention specified under wrapper control doesn't exist.
Contact prevention control specified under wrapper is invalid.
Leak prevention specified under wrapper control doesn't exist.
Leak prevention control specified under wrapper is invalid.
Feature recovery control specified under wrapper control doesn't exist.
Dead material point cannot be same as live.
Invalid wrapper control.
Gap size specified for patching should be positive double.
Scope specified for close gaps is invalid.
Wrapper gap closing failed.
Resolution Factor should be greater than 0 but less than or equal to 1.
Two or more fluid regions leaking into each other.
Hole size specified for dead region should be positive double.
Unable to create patch surfaces.
Too small hole size provided for dead region.
Base size specified for patching should be positive double.
Empty or invalid input face zonelet ids.
Invalid input provided for VT operation.
Merge faces operation failed.
Merge thin stripes operation failed.
Merge thin extensions operation failed.
Repair sharp corner angles operation failed.
Pinch faces operation failed.
Fill hole operation failed.
Fill annular hole operation failed.
Collapse short edges operation failed.
Separate faces operation failed.
Create leading edge operation failed.
Create mid edge operation failed.
VT operation failed.
Could not find numen method.
Cell separation failed.
No cells separated based on given input.
Provided Size Field Type is not supported by this operation.
Provided file extension is not supported.
Provided file extension is not supported.
Provided file extension is not supported.
Provided file extension is not supported.
Provided file extension is not supported.
Provided file extension is not supported.
Provided file extension is not supported.
Provided file extension is invalid.
Failed to load Surface Editor plugin.
Target zonelets form a self intersecting volume.
Target zonelets do not form a watertight volume.
Tool zonelets form a self intersecting volume.
Tool zonelets do not form a watertight volume.
Invalid input volumes provided to stacker.
Invalid parameters provided to stacker.
Stacker failed to separate base face.
Stacker failed to mesh the model.
No faces are found in the specified volumes.
Some faces in the input model have existing mesh.
Base face list input is invalid.
Some volumes are not aligned in the stacking direction.
Some bodies are intersecting or incorrectly defined.
Base face list input has unmeshed topofaces.
Face zonelets have cells connected.
Invalid input provided for thin volume control.
Invalid source scope provided for thin volume control.
Invalid target scope provided for thin volume control.
Same source and target scope provided for thin volume control.
Invalid source scope entity provided for thin volume control.
Invalid target scope entity provided for thin volume control.
Invalid number of layers provided for thin volume control.
Thin volume mesh controls not supported for part with topology data.
Invalid volume scope provided for thin volume control.
Same face scope is set as target for multiple thin volume controls.
Same face scope is set as source for more than two thin volume controls.
Thin volume mesh is not supported with face based database.
Invalid control parameters.
Invalid input provided.
Invalid input provided.
Wrong API call sequence.
Bad shape properties.
Smoothing operation is not supported.
Surface remesh operation is not supported.
Volume mesh generation for hexahedra requires generation of a quadratic voxel grid.
Autoquadmesher error codes.
Difference in maximum value and minimum value is negative.
No elements read from CDB file.
No nodes read from CDB file.
No elements found for cdb export.