
static ExportMapdlCdbParams.set_default(config_settings=None, pre_solution_settings=None, material_properties=None, boundary_conditions=None, analysis_settings=None, write_cells=None, enable_face_based_labels=None, write_by_zones=None, consider_general_connectors_as_spot_weld=None, analysis_type=None, simulation_type=None, analysis_settings_file_name=None, use_compact_format=None, export_fasteners_as_swgen=None, export_rigid_bodies_as_rbgen=None, write_thickness_file=None, contact_element_types=None)#

Set the default values of the ExportMapdlCdbParams object.

config_settings: str, optional

MAPDL configuration settings in CDB format to be added at the beginning of the file.

pre_solution_settings: str, optional

MAPDL Settings in CDB format to be added before the solution block in the file.

material_properties: str, optional

Materials in CDB format to be added to the file.

boundary_conditions: str, optional

Boundary conditions in CDB format to be added to the file.

analysis_settings: str, optional

MAPDL analysis settings in CDB format to be added after the solution block in the file. Note: Boundary conditions can be included into analysis settings.

write_cells: bool, optional

Option to write out cells as part of the file.

enable_face_based_labels: bool, optional

Option to write element components for labels.

write_by_zones: bool, optional

Option to write zones in the file.

consider_general_connectors_as_spot_weld: bool, optional

Option to translate all general connector joints (other than axial) to spot weld type. This is important when nodes are non coincident.

analysis_type: CdbAnalysisType, optional

Option to specify CDB analysis type.

simulation_type: CdbSimulationType, optional

Simulation type for the file.

analysis_settings_file_name: str, optional

File path to export mapdl analysis settings.

use_compact_format: bool, optional

Option to enable compact format for the cdb blocks. When true, writes a new, more space-efficient cdb format while exporting. The default value is false.

export_fasteners_as_swgen: bool, optional

Option to export fasteners as swgen. When true, translates fasteners into compact swgen blocks in the exported file. The default value is false.

export_rigid_bodies_as_rbgen: bool, optional

Option to export rigid bodies as rbgen. When true, translates rigid bodies into compact rbgen blocks in the exported file. The default value is false.

write_thickness_file: bool, optional

Option to write a thickness file for spotweld fatigue analysis. If true, writes a file named [exportedFilename].cdb.thick.txt containing thickness information.

contact_element_types: ContactElementTypeParams, optional

Parameters for choosing element types for contact surfaces in TIEs and CONTACT PAIRs.