- static ScaffolderParams.set_default(absolute_dist_tol=None, size_field_type=None, intersection_control_mask=None, edge_merge_control=None, constant_mesh_size=None, remove_holes_critical_radius=None, remove_slivers_abs_dist_tol_ratio=None, triangles_coplanar_angle_cos=None)#
Set the default values of the
object.- Parameters:
- absolute_dist_tol: float, optional
Defines the maximum gap to connect.
- size_field_type: int, optional
Specifies the type of size field used for scaffolding.
- intersection_control_mask: IntersectionMask, optional
Specifies the nature of intersection to be computed.
- edge_merge_control: int, optional
Specifies type of edge pairs to be merged during scaffold operation.
- constant_mesh_size: float, optional
Defines the constant edge mesh size to check connection.
- remove_holes_critical_radius: float, optional
Defines the maximum radius of holes to be removed.
- remove_slivers_abs_dist_tol_ratio: float, optional
Defines the maximum aspect ratio to remove sliver faces.
- triangles_coplanar_angle_cos: float, optional
Lower bound for cos angle to consider coplanar faces for scaffolding.