
static CreateBOIParams.set_default(boi_type=None, perform_initial_wrap=None, wrap_size=None, flow_dir=None, side_scale=None, wake_scale=None, wake_levels=None, suggested_part_name=None, suggested_label_prefix=None, number_of_threads=None)#

Set the default values of the CreateBOIParams object.

boi_type: BOIType, optional

Type of BOI offsetting.

perform_initial_wrap: bool, optional

Perform an initial wrap to create a BOI if BOI type is OFFSETSURFACE.

wrap_size: float, optional

Set wrap size greater than the largest gap size in the input when performing_initial_wrap is true.

flow_dir: FlowDirection, optional

Assigns the offset direction of inflation.

side_scale: float, optional

BOI side scaling factor.

wake_scale: float, optional

BOI flow direction scaling factor.

wake_levels: int, optional

BOI levels.

suggested_part_name: str, optional

Suggested part name for created BOI surfaces.

suggested_label_prefix: str, optional

Suggested label name for created BOI surfaces.

number_of_threads: int, optional

Number of threads for multithreading.