
Mesh.surface_mesh(min_size=None, max_size=None, generate_quads=False, scope=< object>)#

Generate a surface mesh on a scope.

This method is used to generate a surface mesh of a constant or variable size. It supports generating quad dominant or triangular elements.

If minimum and maximum sizes are provided, a variable size mesh is generated between the minimum size and maximum size by applying sizes based on curvature.

If only the minimum size or maximum size is provided, a constant size mesh is generated with the provided size.

If neither minimum size or maximum size is provided, the global maximum setting is used to generate a constant size mesh.

min_sizefloat, optional

Minimum edge length of the mesh. The default is None.

max_sizefloat, optional

Maximum edge length of the mesh. The default is None.

generate_quadsbool, optional

Whether to generate a quad dominant mesh. The default is False, in which case a triangular mesh is generated.


Scope for generating the surface mesh.