
static WrapperImproveQualityParams.set_default(target_skewness=None, island_count=None, island_tol=None, overlap_count=None, overlap_tol=None, resolve_spikes=None, resolve_intersections=None, inflate_dihedral_face_nodes=None, resolve_invalid_node_normals=None, aggressively=None, sharp_angle=None, geom_zonelets=None, number_of_threads=None)#

Set the default values of the WrapperImproveQualityParams object.

target_skewness: float, optional

Target skewness.

island_count: int, optional

Face count of smallest island.

island_tol: float, optional

Relative face count of smallest island.

overlap_count: int, optional

Face count of non-manifold overlap.

overlap_tol: float, optional

Relative face count of non-manifold overlap.

resolve_spikes: bool, optional

Control to perform removing spikes or not.

resolve_intersections: bool, optional

Control to resolve face intersections or not.

inflate_dihedral_face_nodes: bool, optional

Control to resolve face dihedral angle by inflating opposite nodes or not.

resolve_invalid_node_normals: bool, optional

Control to resolve invalid node normals by inflating opposite nodes or not.

aggressively: bool, optional

Control to improve surfaces aggressively or not.

sharp_angle: float, optional

Maximum off feature sharp node angle.

geom_zonelets: Iterable[int], optional

Associated underlying geometry zonelet ids.

number_of_threads: int, optional

Number of threads for multithreading.