
class ansys.meshing.prime.FuseParams(model=None, use_absolute_tolerance=None, gap_tolerance=None, side_tolerance=None, check_interior=None, fuse_option=None, check_orientation=None, dump_mesh=None, local_remesh=None, n_layers=None, separate=None, angle=None, fuse_edges_only=None, json_data=None, **kwargs)#

Parameters for fuse operation.

model: Model

Model to create a FuseParams object with default parameters.

use_absolute_tolerance: bool, optional

When true, gap tolerance and side tolerance provided are absolute values.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

gap_tolerance: float, optional

Gap tolerance between faces to be fused.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

side_tolerance: float, optional

Side tolerance for fusing to the side edges.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

check_interior: bool, optional

When true, checks all nodes including boundary edge nodes and nodes inside the faces.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

fuse_option: FuseOption, optional

Option for treatment of fused surfaces.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

check_orientation: bool, optional

Option to check face normal orientation during fuse operation.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

dump_mesh: bool, optional

Option to dump mesh for debugging.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

local_remesh: bool, optional

Local remesh of region to be fused.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

n_layers: int, optional

Face layers around region to be fused.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

separate: bool, optional

Separate region to be fused.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

angle: float, optional

Faces zonelets with angle less than the provided value are considered for fuse operation.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

fuse_edges_only: bool, optional

Fuse edges only.

This is a beta parameter. The behavior and name may change in the future.

json_data: dict, optional

JSON dictionary to create a FuseParams object with provided parameters.


>>> fuse_params = prime.FuseParams(model = model)



Print the default values of FuseParams object.


Set the default values of the FuseParams object.



Faces zonelets with angle less than the provided value are considered for fuse operation.


When true, checks all nodes including boundary edge nodes and nodes inside the faces.


Option to check face normal orientation during fuse operation.


Option to dump mesh for debugging.


Fuse edges only.


Option for treatment of fused surfaces.


Gap tolerance between faces to be fused.


Local remesh of region to be fused.


Face layers around region to be fused.


Separate region to be fused.


Side tolerance for fusing to the side edges.


When true, gap tolerance and side tolerance provided are absolute values.