
static AutoNodeMoveParams.set_default(quality_measure=None, target_quality=None, dihedral_angle=None, n_iterations_per_node=None, restrict_boundary_nodes_along_surface=None, n_attempts=None)#

Set the default values of the AutoNodeMoveParams object.

quality_measure: CellQualityMeasure, optional

Specify cell quality measure to be used for volume mesh improvement. The default value for cell quality measure is skewness.

target_quality: float, optional

Specify target quality used for the mesh improvement based on specified quality measure.

dihedral_angle: float, optional

Dihedral angle used to mantain features of boundary face zonelets.

n_iterations_per_node: int, optional

Number of iterations per node to be moved.

restrict_boundary_nodes_along_surface: bool, optional

Option to restrict the movement of the boundary node to the plane containing the boundary faces sharing the boundary node.

n_attempts: int, optional

Number of attempts to improve specified quality measure by node movement.