.. _ref_index_launching_pyprime: ********************* Launching PyPrimeMesh ********************* ================================== Launch server from a Python script ================================== The :func:`launch_prime() ` method launches Ansys Prime Server. This code returns an instance of the PyPrimeMesh :class:`Client ` class connected to the launched server session: .. code-block:: python import ansys.meshing.prime as prime prime_client = prime.launch_prime() You can send commands to Ansys Prime Server and receive responses from it. The :class:`Client ` class gets the :attr:`model ` parameter associated with the client instance: .. code-block:: python model = prime_client.model ==================================================================== Launch server from a Windows or Linux console and connect the client ==================================================================== You can launch Ansys Prime Server on Linux or Windows from a command prompt and then connect to the client as needed. This example starts the server in parallel mode on four nodes and specifies the IP address and port on Windows: #. Launch the server from a command line: .. code-block:: shell-session "%AWP_ROOT242%\meshing\Prime\runPrime.bat" server -np 4 --ip --port 50055 #. Connect to the server in Python using the :class:`Client ` class: .. code-block:: python import ansys.meshing.prime as prime prime_client = prime.Client(ip="", port=50055) model = prime_client.model .. note:: Only a single client session can be connected to an active Ansys Prime Server instance at any time. ========================== Disconnect from the server ========================== The :func:`Client.exit() ` method ends the connection with the server. If the :class:`Client ` class launched the server, then this terminates the server process. ========================================== Run a Python script in batch on the server ========================================== You can run a Python script directly on the server from a Linux or Windows console. Here is a Windows code example for running a Python script directly from the command line: .. code-block:: shell-session "%AWP_ROOT242%\meshing\Prime\runPrime.bat" my_script.py ======================================== Recommendations for launching the server ======================================== When developing, you can use Python context to launch the server so that if an exception occurs during runtime the server closes cleanly. This prevents servers being spawned and left open blocking ports. This code example shows how to manage the server lifecycle using context to make development easier: .. code-block:: python import ansys.meshing.prime as prime with prime.launch_prime() as prime_client: model = prime_client.model # Indented code to run... Using the :func:`Client.exit() ` method to close the server in this instance is not required.